"Jyotish is a model of reality which intreprets observed conditions of the cosmos at the time of an event in order to provide insight into the nature of that event." -- Hart deFouw, Light on Life
Your individual Jyotish astrological chart is a map of the karmas, intense or not so intense, with which you were born into this world in a particular time and space. Karma means action in Sanskrit and thus your chart is the result of lifetimes of action including beneficial, harmful and neutral actions some of which are coming to fruition in the present moment.
However, it's also good to remember that just as your reflection in the mirror is fundamentally not you, neither is your chart "You"! Many things, including the karmas that you inaugurated in this lifetime, for better or for worse, can change the outcome of what a chart might indicate.
Reading a Jyotish chart requires years of study with a guru or qualified teacher of Jyotisha to be skilled enough to be able to recognize patterns and combinations called yogas. Jyotisha codifies an amazing wealth of knowledge about planets (grahas) interacting with houses, or states of being (bhavas), which elegantly illumines every facet of human experience. This allows for concrete and accurate predictions about common questions such as "What kind of job should I look for?" or "Will I find the right person?" At the same time, because Jyotisha is a model of reality which requires interpretation, it does not purport to be 100% accurate every time.
A Jyotish consultation can provide you with a deeper understanding of what your dharma is in this life--not necessarily what you want it to be--but what you are meant to express in this lifetime. This may include your career but also more than that. Dharma means "doing what you are born to do." To be aligned with dharma means that life will flow better for you than when you are not aligned with it.
Today's rapidly changing economic climate can be a source of stress. Jyotisha can give you effective insights into artha or the necessary pursuit of resources and survival skills.
An understanding of kama can show you how to best align your life to satisfactorily experience the joys and pleasures of this world and to create relationships with everybody around you, your family, friends and significant others that are as harmonious as possible.
Finally, practiced over time with dedication and skill, Jyotisha is a sadhana or a means to freedom from suffering. In conjunction with one of the six darshanas, Jyotisha itself can be a path to freedom or moksa, dispelling what prevents you from realizing true happiness.